Check out my new video podcast, Thinking Biblically, where we explore how all Scripture speaks to all of life!

The Teaching

The Bible is more than a collection of heartwarming sayings; it is the grand revelation of God and his worldview, designed by him to help us know him and live godly lives (2 Timothy 3:16-17). Yet how many believers read the whole Bible (Old and New Testaments) with the expectation that God will use its contents to effectively equip them for all of life? More here…


As I’ve applied the Bible the past forty years, I am more convinced than ever that our understanding of God’s written Word—His holy, inspired, and authoritative revelation of his Plan—enables us to cooperate with him in rescuing our broken world. When you understand the Bible’s overarching themes, God’s Story becomes the framework through which we interpret Scripture’s details and answer life’s most important and, often difficult, questions. The result? We avoid misinterpreting God’s Word as we walk in the biblical authority God has intended for us. More about Alan here…


Featured book: Torah Light

Since 1997 Alan Gilman has been producing TorahBytes, a short weekly online commentary from a Messianic Jewish perspective. “Torah Light” is the first printed compilation of some of the best of TorahBytes. Each of the fifty-four messages have been carefully chosen and revised for this beautifully arranged publication. Includes one never-before-published message.

To order your copy, visit the Books page.

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