Alan’s Jewish Christian understanding of the biblical narrative brings out a rich depth of meaning to the Bible’s saving message. He challenges popular theology with biblical teaching that confronts the status quo. He is an effective communicator of God’s truth.
Bill Buitenwerf, Sr. Pastor, East Gate Alliance Church, Ottawa, Ontario
The Bible is more than a collection of heartwarming sayings; it is the grand revelation of God, designed by him to help us know him and live godly lives (2 Timothy 3:16-17). Yet, do we read the whole Bible (Old and New Testaments) with an expectation that God will use it to equip us for all of life?
God’s Epic Story Seminar will take you on a tour of key biblical passages that unveil the Big Picture of the Bible’s overall story. The seminar will enable you to…
- See the world from God’s perspective.
- Discover how the pieces of the Bible fit together, providing a foundation for effective godly living.
- Understand how the coming of Jesus as Israel’s Messiah is the fulfillment of Old Testament expectation, enabling us to know God and live life the way he intends.
- Realize how the Gospel is much more than an individualistic spiritual experience; but God’s invitation to be part of his transformational, worldwide mission.
You will want to read the whole Bible like never before!
Contact Alan for more information.
Alan’s “God’s Epic Story” seminar should be part of the discipleship curriculum in every church!
Rev. Sharon Hayton, Former Director, CMJ Canada
To book God’s Epic Story or for more information, contact Alan now!
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